After the ultrasound showing that my cyst was now so huge that it no longer could be measured I was wheeled off to room to wait, not allowed to leave the doctor office but just wait. I was so glad my dad was with me at this time because I was in a fog of emotions and pain, I could only remember parts of what the doctor were telling me. A team of doctor were quickly assembled to review my case and consult on the best path for me to take. They determined that by the weekend I would need to deliver the baby and have the cyst removed.
Since I was not full term I was sent to the Hartford Hospital to get a amniocentesis done, so they could determine if the baby's lungs were going to be developed enough for delivery. This time Ryan took me to the hospital and we got a little turned around so Ryan stopped to asked the police/security at the Hospital where we needed to go, without stopping to think we found ourselves with police escort to the valet parking. Where security meet us at the car and I was then whisked away by them left to wonder where Ryan was but at the same time not worried to much I knew he would find me, he always does. In the end we made it together to get the procedure done. At this point my pain level had increased 10 fold. The narcotics were no longer working and breathing cause so much pain that I had a constant flow of tears running down my face. I was mess.
After preforming the procedure the doctor asked me if she could call my doctor and let him know how much pain I was in. She said if you were my patient I would deliver you right away regardless of what the results of the test were. As I waited in the hospital bed being monitored after the procedure and waiting for my doctor to let me know what I needed to do next, all I wanted was to have my mother by side. Ryan was great however the nurses showed him some techniques he could do to help lessen my pain and he called my mom who left immediately to be with me.
Of course Dr. Hancock said that I needed to go right away to the Manchester Hospital without stopping, where my team of doctors were being assembled prepping for my delivery. When we arrived I no longer could move on my own accord. Things were moving so fast, I was so scared. It was not how I had envisioned my birth. I wanted to do a all natural water birth with no stress where everything goes exactly as I planned and the baby was healthy with no complications. But instead I found my self hooked up to IV with even heavy drugs/ narcotics being pumped into me and signing my life away when I consented for them to do a C-section and major surgery removing whatever they felt needed to when they got in there. Things like having a full hysterectomy, removing my gallbladder, my appendix, along with all kinds of other body parts. Also I had determined the best thing for me to do was to be completed knocked out. Which meant I would not remember the birth of the baby but it allowed them the time to take care of the cyst removal and whatever else they needed to do.
I remember there was one intern who kept coming in with all my doctors prior to the surgery and he was so excited. He told me that he was the lucky intern that got picked to follow my case. He said that all the other interns really wanted my case because it was rare. Thanks intern you really know how to calm a persons nerves. They prepped me for surgery, Ryan gave me a blessing. My dad brought Emily by to see. I gave hugs and kisses to all and was told that my mom would be here before I woke up for surgery. And with that I was taken away.
The OR was so cold. They lifted me onto the operating table, extended my arms outstretched and strapped them down as well as the rest of body. The anesthesiologist asked me what music I wanted to listen to I choose country. He turned the music on. I looked to my left and saw about 20 interns filling into the OR as happy and excited as Christmas morning in the pack the one lucky intern who was in my room earlier. As turned back to look at Dr. Hancock he said they were all so excited to get to see not only a C-section but major surgery. And I heard their teacher or the doctor in charge of them start explain how this was a once in a lifetime opportunity for them. I'm just glad I could provided that experience for those interns.
Then shaking because of the cold Dr. Hancock told me that normally they would wait tell I went under to prep my belly but that they needed to now before I went under so that the could deliver that baby the fastest as possible. They did not want the baby to get any of the anesthesia drugs, so they had to be fast he said. Then they proceeded to wash my belly with even more cold stuff. I was shaking so much and was so scared. I wished I could see Ryan and that he could stroke my face and calm me down, but he was not allowed in the OR. The assured me he was waiting right outside the OR and that the baby would be taken to him as soon as it was delivered. So I focused on Taylor Swift singing "It's a love story" and I was gone.
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