

Canning 301: The Pressure Cooker Method

OK if you have mastered Canning 101: The Boiling Water Method and then you are ready for the Pressure Cooker.

You will need:
A Pressure Canner
Rack for cooking
Jars and Lids
Food to Can

Prep your food and your jars.  See Canning 101 for steps.

Pour 2 to 3 inches of boiling water into the bottom of the pressure canner.

Place jars on rack set at bottom of canner.  Jars must not touch the bottom of the pot.

Fasten pressure canner lid.

Turn heat to maximum.  Let steam exhaust for 10 min.

When the first inch of the steam jet is nearly invisible, close the vent.

At 8 lb. of pressure lower heat slightly.  Let pressure rise to 10 lb.

At 10 lb. pressure (or according to your recipe) start timing.  Hold pressure for full canning period.  Adjusting the temp as needed.

Remove canner from heat and let cool.  Do not pour cold water on it or remove the lid.

When pressure is zero, open vent, then lid.  Tilt lid slightly so the steam will rise away from you for safety.

Set jars on rack or towel leaving space between them.  Tighten lids if needed.  Allow to cool completely the check lids to ensure they sealed.

Store canned items in a cool dark place, and enjoy!

I found this handy dandy picture explanation on the web so I thought I would share it with you.

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